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The TWIN Grip 3.5" Paring Knife is ideal for smaller cutting tasks. Made from high-quality stainless steel, the ice-hardened blade provides superior sharpness. Effortlessly peel apples, remove blemishes, and create beautiful garnishes—this lightweight, versatile knife offers fatigue-free cutting with all your fruits and vegetables.
The TwinGrip has a slim head, pinch guard, box-joint design and is made of superior high-grade chrome vanadium steel. The only 5 adjustment push-button slip joint pliers in the market. Gripping capacity for diameters and widths across the flats from 5/32-in to 7/8-in (4 to 22 mm) Reliable gripping of flat workpieces due to the three-point system.
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Төвгүй нунтаглах машин Энэтхэг. ED 4 by nyam-ochir BӨдгөө моби-медиа гэсэн төрөл сонин ба телевиз тэр бүү хэл электрон хэвлэлийнхний шинэ өрсөлдөгч бидний хийсэн бүтээгдэхүүнийг хил .
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The TwinGrip features a unique combination of front and side gripping for worn screws and bolts. The 5-adjustment push-button slip joint pliers adjusts the gripping capacity directly on the workpiece for a secure grip. Optimized jaws. Opposing teeth allow for maximum gripping force.
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KNIPEX TwinGrip. のみわせ:フロントグリップ・サイドグリップ、ボックスジョイント、プッシュボタン. にスリムで、スペースのられたいでもく. なとにいギアをえたフロントジョー ...
Төвгүй нунтаглах машин Энэтхэг. Хоёр дахь нунтаглах шугам ашиглалтанд орж хоногт 140000 тонн баяжмал үйлдвэрлэх нөхцөлд Галбын говь буюу өөр ямар нэг нэмэлт усны эх .
Төвгүй нунтаглах машин Энэтхэг. Төвгүй нунтаглах машин Энэтхэг. ED 4 by nyam-ochir BӨдгөө моби-медиа гэсэн төрөл сонин ба телевиз тэр бүү хэл электрон хэвлэлийнхний шинэ өрсөлдөгч бидний хийсэн .
The TwinGrip has a slim head, pinch guard, box-joint design and is made of superior high-grade chrome vanadium steel. The only 5 adjustment push-button slip joint pliers in the market. Gripping capacity for diameters and widths across the flats from 5/32 in to 7/8in " (4 to 22 mm)
Large front and side gripping capacity for diameters and widths across flats 4 - 22 mm. Reliable front gripping of flat workpieces due to the three-point system. Gripping, tightening and loosening screws with worn heads and threads. Five-way adjustable slip joint with push button adjustment for precise adjustment of gripping capacity.
The three-point system even gives you reliable gripping capabilities with flat workpieces. In addition to the innovative jaw design, the Knipex TwinGrip Pliers also feature a 5-adjustment push-button slip joint. According to them, this is an industry first. This joint lets you adjust the jaw capacity between 5/32″ to 7/8″ for a secure grip ...
Төвгүй нунтаглах машин Энэтхэг. ED 4 by nyam-ochir BӨдгөө моби-медиа гэсэн төрөл сонин ба телевиз тэр бүү хэл электрон хэвлэлийнхний шинэ өрсөлдөгч бидний хийсэн Үнэ авах perawatan alat нунтаглах ба хэмжээ
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KNIPEX TwinGrip Pliers. Unique combination of front and side gripping. Slim head design for working in confined spaces. > Gripping capacity for diameters and widths across the flats. from 5/32" to 7/8" (4 to 22 mm) > Side gripping jaws for round, square and hex materials. > Reliable gripping of flat workpieces due to the three-point system.
KNIPEX TwinGrip 82 01 200. Unique combination of front and side gripping. Front jaw design grips stripped screws. Optimized side jaw with opposing teeth for maximum force. Side gripping jaws for round, square and hex materials. The only 5 adjustment push-button slip joint pliers in the market. Gripping capacity for diameters and widths across ...