- In sublevel stoping, the drilling of the reservoir and the blasting - that is, the separation and fragmentation of the rock massif - can be carried out as independent processes. - This method is massive and highly productive. The productivity indices show average values between 15 and 40 tons of extraction per man in each production shift.


Sublevel stoping. 591 28 509KB Read more. SHRINKAGE STOPING. 104 0 370KB Read more. Overhand Stoping. 865 1 284KB Read more. Sub Level Stoping Expo. 25 2 515KB Read more. Categories; ... Report "METODO-SUBLEVEL STOPING PPT.pdf" Your name. Email. Reason. Description. Close Submit. Contact information. Ronald F. Clayton [email protected] Address ...

Aggregates for Concrete in Nigeria

12. Mining methods and method selection. 12.4 Underground mining method •Sublevel open stoping-Ore is fragmented in the stopeusing ring-drilled or long parallel blast holes, and moved to the drawpointsfor extraction.-Bigholeopen stopinguses longer blast holes with larger diameter of 140~165 mm: sublevel spacing increases from typically 40 …

Sublevel cave mining: unearthing new opportunities

An updated resource based on primarily infill drilling with some steps out holes drilled in late 2020 and early 2021 will be available mid-2021. The underground PEA resulted in an underground sublevel caving inventory of 134 Mt at 0.54% Ni and 0.18% Cu with a resultant NSR of US$46/t (@ $6.50/lb Ni, $3.00/lb Cu).


APLICACIÓN DEL SUB LEVEL STOPING UNIDAD MINERA – CERRO LINDO MILPO Ing. Horinson Bernaola Chávez Jefe de operaciones UBICACION : PERÙ (Ica- Chincha) • • • • • • • 175 Km. SE de Lima 60 Km. del mar 1850 msnm. Provincia Chincha (Chavin) Departamento Ica Clima semiárido Propiedad 12,800 ha SUB LEVEL STOPING -

sublevel stoping mining method ppt

8.3.3: Sublevel (Open) Stoping · 8.3.3: Sublevel (Open) Stoping. If we had a stronger and more competent host rock, we could dispense with the need to keep ore in the stope to support the hanging wall as we do VCR mining. Indeed, such deposits do exist, and when they do, we can employ the open stoping method.

Sub-level open stoping - QueensMineDesignWiki

Sublevel Open Stoping originated in the early 1900's in iron ore mines in Michigan, USA. It was developed over the years from a method originally known as short hole bench and train mining.Generally a large scale open …

Sublevel Stoping: Features, Advantages and Disadvantages

characteristics. The sublevel stoping It is an excavation method that consists of dividing the deposit into several vertical sections, to empty the basic mining unit, called the mansion.. The mineral that is collected in the mine is accumulated in trenches placed at the foot of the house, and from there the extraction begins applying different techniques, according to the …

sub level stopping mining method ppt

INTRODUCTION The sublevel stoping mining method is usually applied to a relatively steeply dipping, competent ore body, surrounded by competent wall rock. Ore is produced by drilling and blasting longholes, which can range from 50 mm (2 in.) to 200 mm (7% in.) diam, with lengths up to 90 m (300 ft).


O método de lavra Sublevel Stoping, segundo Hamrin (2001), é um método ascendente em que são desmontadas tiras verticais de grande volume. Essas deixam grandes espaços vazios verticalizados chamados de stopes. Entre os stopes, em algumas porções, não há recuperação de minério com o intuito de formar pilares que garantam a ...

12. Mining methods and method selection - Seoul …

12.4 Underground mining method •Sublevel open stoping-Ore is fragmented in the stopeusing ring-drilled or long parallel blast holes, and moved to the drawpointsfor extraction.-Bigholeopen stopinguses longer blast holes with larger diameter of 140~165 mm: sublevel spacing increases from typically 40 m to 60 m.

Sublevel stopping mining method pdf file - Co-production …

Long-hole sublevel stoping, often referred to as sublevel open stoping and blast hole stoping is a commonly used method in large scale mining. It is a versatile and productive method that is primarily used for large ore bodies with a steep dip, regular shape, and defined ore bodies. Sublevel stoping mining methods are very popular in Canadian ...

Sublevel stoping - [PPT Powerpoint]

Alexandre Dorval, ing.jr, Sublevel stoping is a non-selective method used to minimize drilling and blasting. 1-5 Development shrinkage stoping Sublevel stoping differs from shrinkage stoping by providing sublevels. MN : MINING ENGINEERING .(C) Sublevel caving, Sublevel open stoping, Cut-and-Fill stoping, Block ...

sub level stopping mining method ppt

Complete Mine Plan Mining Environmental Impact Assessment. Hence we consider Sublevel Stoping as our Mining method Cut Fill Method could have a possible choice but Sub-level stope appeared to be more appropriate STOPE LAYOUT Considering the geo technical data available stope layout is designed The stope dimension length 100m, height Level 1 60m …

(PDF) Design and dimensioning of sublevel stoping for …

Design and dimensioning of sublevel stoping for extraction of thin ore ( < 12 m) at very deep level: A case study of konkola copper mines (kcm), Zambia March 2018 DOI: 10.18280/mmep.050104

Sublevel Stoping - Prensa Compumet

Productivity is maintained at a high rate, since it is possible to mine the ore, on different levels and stopes, at the same time. Sublevel stopping is a productive large scale mining method that enables a multitude of production points in operation at the same time, offering good productivity and low dilution. Sublevel Stoping.

Características de Stop Subnível, Vantagens e …

As principais características deste método de exploração mineira são as seguintes: - O sublevel stoping Requer muita precisão e exatidão quando se trata do projeto de malhas de perfuração. - Este método é aplicável em depósitos tabulares com mais de 10 metros. Para que o método seja bem sucedido, recomenda-se que o corpo da ...

Mining Stope Development Method

Sublevel stoping, sublevel caving, top-slicing, and block-caving require more stope preparation before ore extraction can begin. In sublevel stoping (a form of open stoping), ore chutes, manway, and "starting raises" must be put up and one or more drifts driven on each sublevel (fig. 60, B).

Sublevel Caving | PDF | Mining | Resource Extraction

SUBLEVEL CAVING. INTRODUCTION Most widely used method for thick and pitching coal seams. Roof and floor rocks are strong and stable. Helps in increased production and productivity through rapid coal production on a large scale. Has wider scope in near future. CLASSIFICATION Variations in sublevel methods are due to variations in hardness of country …

Sublevel stoping: qué es, características, …

Desventajas. Algunas de las desventajas del sublevel stoping son las siguientes: – Se trata de un método no selectivo. Esto quiere decir que, necesariamente, el cuerpo mineral debe tener una silueta regular; en otros …

Sublevel Stoping | PDF | Economic Sectors | Mining

Sublevel Stoping - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Metal Mining

Economic Comparison of Drilling Systems in Sublevel …

major dimension of the ore body. Sublevel stoping is practical to apply in ore bodies which have competent hanging and foot wall rock. Furthermore the ore has to be in a stable situation. Lowest rate of essential compressive strength of the rock walls to apply sublevel stoping is 55 MPa normally. Also sublevel stoping doesn't have a

Sublevel Stoping | PDF | Mining | Drill - Scribd

Sublevel Stoping. 25/12/2021. 1 Principle -1 *Sublevel stoping is also known as blast hole or long hole stoping. *Sublevel stoping is an open stoping method. *It is high production, bulk mining method. *Sublevel stoping accounts about 3% of world non coal production.. 2 2 Ore Body -1 *Ore body is required to be studied well in advance to avoid surprises at the time of mining. 3

sub level stopping mining method ppt - adler …

Sub Level Stoping Mining Geology Scribd. An underground mining method used in large The sublevel caving technique as the method is applied today Experience from LKAB Sweden Sub level caving This review describes the underground mining method of block caving Several of surface cracking associated with the progressive sub level caving of an Sub Level Stoping …

Mining Stope Development Method

In sublevel stoping (a form of open stoping), ore chutes, manway, and "starting raises" must be put up and one or more drifts driven on each sublevel (fig. 60, B). In sublevel caving and top-slicing, raises are put up at intervals of about 20 to 50 feet or more to the top of the ore body to serve as ore.

Sublevel stoping..Underground mining methods - [PDF …

H.Z. Harraz Presentation sublevel stoping2We will explore all of the above in Topic 4. 3. Sublevel StopingConsiderations on the method:the sublevel stoping is considered a method of extracting medium to large scale;other names for the method (variations): bighole open stoping, long-hole stoping or blastholeMINING METHODProf. Dr. H.Z. Harraz ...


PENAMPANG MELINTANG SUBLEVEL STOPING SYARAT Syarat untuk melakukan Sublevel Stoping yaitu : 1. Dip deposit terjal (>45⁰, bagusnya 60⁰-90⁰) 2. Endapan bijih dan batuan induk harus kuat dan keras 3. Penyebaran kadar bijih sebaiknya homogen. 4. ...