Características principales - GHH CHILE [email protected] +56 2 27387349 [email protected] G R O U P +49 209-38907-0 Member of Características principales Diseño compacto y potente para galerías estrechas Para minería subterránea y tunneling Destacada relación peso-potencia

Mine Master manufacturer of underground drilling equipment ...

GHH and Mine Master partnership. Mining machines and LHD's and Dump Trucks manufacturers.

Contactar con nosotros - GHH

GHH - Grupo GIHECHPI SA DE CV. Camino Viejo a San Francisco MZ 40 Lt. 2 Col. Paraje San Juan. 09830 Iztapalapa. Distrito Federal. México. . Llámenos: 5570300880.

GHH Fahrzeuge - Home

Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen - Tailor-made mining and tunnelling solutions... Emscherstr. 53, 45891 Gelsenkirchen, Germany

Productos | Vehículos para minería y tunelado | GHH

Productos. La mezcla entre tecnología Alemana y nuestro conocimiento aseguran una excelente solución: ¿el objetivo? incrementar la producción de su trabajo. Tenemos la solución par todo tipo de proyecto en maquinaría minera con tecnología de punta; ya sea en minería a cielo abierto, minería subterránea o tunelado. Equipos de carga ...

GHH Kundendienst-Plattform - GHH-Fahrzeuge

GHH Kundendienst-Plattform. Es ist: 31.07.2022, 21:03 Hallo, Gast! ( Anmelden — Registrieren) GHH Kundendienst-Plattform / Forenmeldung. GHH Kundendienst-Plattform. Sie sind entweder nicht eingeloggt oder Ihnen fehlt die Berechtigung, diese Seite zu sehen. Grund dafür könnte einer der folgenden sein: Sie sind nicht eingeloggt oder registriert.

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Cargadores LHD para la minería subterránea y túneles - GHH CHILE

Cargadores LHD. GHH Fahrzeuge diseña y fabrica cargadores LHD para operaciones en minería y tuneling. Además de la seguridad, los criterios de diseño clave para nuestros LHD son la ergonomía, mantenibilidad, disponibilidad y eficiencia. Nuestros LHD son particularmente compactos con una posición óptima del operador.

Million Base | GHH Fahrzeuge

Since 1964 GHH Fahrzeuge produces LHD's (Load-Haul-Dump technique) with articulated steering for the mining industry. Later on ADT- dumpers followed. Major customer groups are the mining- and tunnelling industry. Year 1987 GHH manufactures towbarless aircraft towing tractors – so called aircraft movers. At January 2007 GHH Fahrzeuge ...

Startseite – Deutsch | GHH – SOLID AS A ROCK

Provider. WP SYNTEX. Purpose. Für die Mehrsprachigkeit unserer Webseite verwenden wir das Programm Polylang. Polylang ist ein Produkt von WP SYNTEX, 28, rue Jean Sebastien Bach, 38090 Villefontaine, Frankreich. Wir schreiben Posts, Seiten und erstellen Kategorien und veröffentlichen Tags wie üblich und definieren dann die Sprache für jeden ...

Ghh Fahrzeuge - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

GHH fahrzeuge develops and manufactures articulated loaders and dump trucks as well as robots and mixers for underground mining.

New Distributor GHH Fahrzeuge

The temperature-controlled, modular and exchangeable battery provides a range of 80 to 100 km in proven underground use. It is designed for a service life of 15 years or 8,000 charging cycles (80 percent DoD) and charges from 20 to 80 percent in 2.5 hours. An external infrastructure is not required; a 15 kW charger sits on board.

GHH - Производители техники (GHH - GHH Fahrzeuge - GHH Fahrzeuge …

GHH - GHH Fahrzeuge (™: GHH, произносится: ГХХ) — производитель оборудования для сырьевых рынков (горная промышленность), строительного хозяйства (туннелестроение) и инфраструктуры аэропортов (Ground Support Equipment – наземное ...


GHH Fahrzeuge has been manufacturing LHDs, Dump Trucks and special purpose vehicles, such as scaling rigs as well as drills and bolters (in cooperation with its subsidiary Mine Master, Poland) for underground mining and tunneling applications since 1964. ... GHH is capable to highly customize their products according to specific customer ...

GHH Fahrzeuge - Mining Technology

GHH has been manufacturing load-haul dumps (LHDs) for underground mining purposes since 1964. The company expanded its product portfolio in 1974 to include articulated dump trucks, which are widely used in tunnelling construction sites. GHH Fahrzeuge's products provide high availability in operation, efficiency, safety and environmental soundness. Currently more than …

GHH Fahrzeuge MK-A35 Specifications Machine.Market

GHH Fahrzeuge MK-A35. Crane Specifications, Load Charts, and Crane Manuals are for *Reference Only* and are not to be used by the crane operator to operate any type of crane, telehandler, lift truck or aerial access device. To obtain OEM Crane Service, Crane Parts or Crane Maintenance Manuals, contact the crane and or lifting manufacturer directly.

GHH Fahrzeuge - Posts | Facebook

GHH Fahrzeuge . July 25, 2017 ·. GHH's latest upgraded 'Super Low Profile' machine SLP-6.2 on its way going underground in one of the narrow vein mines in Zimbabwe. The brand new and robust SLP 6.2 was completely redesigned and engineered with vast performance and mechanical improvements. More on it can also be found in the latest ...


GHH Fahrzeuge manufactures a large range of loaders designed for both hardrock and softrock applications. From smaller 5 ton loaders up to 14 ton LHDs adding to our global product range of low profile and narrow vein loaders. Our LHDs are robust, durable and reliable, with optional Stage V engine packages for almost the entire fleet.

Utility Vehicles | GHH – SOLID AS A ROCK

About GHH. GHH History The beginning of GHH dates back to the eponymous ironworks,,Gutehoffnungshuette" which started its ope­rations in 1782 in Oberhausen. GHH Fahrzeuge GHH Fahrzeuge, based in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, designs and manufactures loaders, dump trucks and scalers for the hardrock and softrock mining and tunneling Industry.


GHH vehicles are also used for tunneling in road construction, railways and hydroelectric power stations. The combination of GHH load haul dumpers and dump trucks has also been used successfully in global tunnel construction in NATM tunneling and in small cross section heading, safety galleries and hydro power or power station tunnels.

GHH Fahrzeuge | LinkedIn

The first GHH light duty electric vehicle, the Tembo ELV, in India hits the ground running at HZL. On 10 March, there was a function to celebrate Iconic Week Celebration of …


GHH Mining Machines. Mine Master Spółka z o.o. Die GHH GROUP entwickelt und produziert Fahrzeuge für den Untertage- und Tunnelbau. Sie bietet kundenspezifische Lösungen für den gesamten Abbauzyklus von Bohrungen, Verladungen und Förderungen bis hin zur Bodenverfestigung. Mit maßgeschneiderten Lösungen verschafft das ...


GHH Sales Area GHH Fahrzeuge 53 Emscherstrasse Gelsenkirchen 45891 Germany 45891 Gelsenkirchen +49209389070 [email protected] More info GHH Sales Area OOO GHH Moscow 57, Dubininskaya Street Building 1 115054 Moskau Russia 115054 Moscow +7 495 268 09 12 [email protected] More info