
:rctw@retsch-topway :618200 :0838-6685567 0838-6685667 :20 © ICP18026443 :20 ...

XRD-Mill McCrone - perfect for XRD analysis - RETSCH

The XRD-Mill McCrone was specially developed for the preparation of samples for subsequent X-ray diffraction (XRD). The mill is used for applications in geology, chemistry, mineralogy and materials science, quality control as well as R&D. Because of its unique grinding motion, the XRD-Mill McCrone is particularly effective for this analytical ...

Laboratory Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 300 - RETSCH

The powerful Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 300 provides maximum grinding performance combined with ease of use. The variable speed from 6,000 to 23,000 rpm allows for gentle, neutral-to-analysis sample preparation in a very short time. Thanks to an integrated temperature monitoring system, reproducibility is guaranteed even for long grinding ...

Retsch Norge - Knusing og nedmaling / Sikte analyser

Verder Scientific Science for Solids. The Scientific Division of the family owned VERDER Group sets standards in high-tech equipment for quality control, research and development of solid matter. The fields of activity cover sample preparation of solids as well as analyzing technologies. Our well-known companies have served research ...

Retsch : : GM 300 :

GRINDOMIX GM 300 . GM 300、,。.,()()。., ...

Retsch - Monstervoorbereiding en zeefanalyse

RETSCH Monstervoorbereiding en zeefanalyse. RETSCH is actief op het gebied van homogenisatie van laboratoriummonsters voor de analyse, en ook op het gebied van de meting van de deeltjesgrootte van vaste stoffen. Op basis van meer dan 100 jaar ervaring zijn ze ontwikkeld tot de toonaangevende fabrikant in deze domeinen.

Retsch : : GM 200 :

GRINDOMIX GM 200 .,,。.,。. ...

Gretsch Guitars

SHOW-STOPPING SOUND. The all-new G6229TG Limited Edition Players Edition Sparkle Jet™ BT with Bigsby® and Gold Hardware is the culmination of over half a century of tonal and performance magic, delivered in two new head-turning finishes — Champagne Sparkle or Ocean Turquoise Sparkle with black pickguards. LEARN MORE. LEARN MORE.

RETSCH - Mlýny, Čelisťové drtiče, Analytické sítovací stroje

RETSCH Mlýny, Čelisťové drtiče, Analytické sítovací stroje. RETSCH je celosvětová organizace zabývající se poskytováním nových technologií a vysoce kvalitních nástrojů pro přípravu vzorků, charakterizaci pevných látek a měření velikosti částic. Po více než 100 let zkušeností jsme se stali jedním z předních ...


Posiadamy ponad 100-letnie doświadczenie, co czyni naszą firmę oraz każdy nasz produkt liderem na rynku urządzeń do preparatyki próbki. Nasze produkty do przede wszystkim urządzenia do: mielenia i przesiewania a także sprzęt pomocniczy np. suszarki, dzielniki prób, podajniki i sporo innych. Nasze urządzenia do przesiewania i ...

RETSCH - Broyeurs et Concasseurs - Tamiseuses et Tamis

RETSCH Broyeurs et Concasseurs - Tamiseuses et Tamis. RETSCH est une entreprise présente dans le monde entier dans le domaine du broyage et du tamisage d'échantillons d'analyses, ainsi que pour la caractérisation des matériaux solides. L'expérience de plus de 100 ans de RETSCH fait de nous le fabricant leader sur ce marché.

RETSCH - Malmok & Pofás törők - Szitarázók & Sziták

RETSCH Malmok & Pofás törők - Szitarázók & Sziták. A RETSCH cég analizálandó laboratóriumi minták homogenizálásával és szilárd anyagok szemcséi mérete meghatározásával foglalkozik. Több, mint 100 év tapasztalat alapján időközben e …

RETSCH – Moinhos de laboratório, Trituradores e …

RETSCH Moinhos de laboratório, Trituradores e Agitadores de Peneiras. A RETSCH é a principal fornecedora de soluções para preparo de amostras, análise e para caracterização de sólidos. Com base em um século de experiência, a RETSCH desenvolve equipamentos de redução de tamanho e peneiramento que se caracterizam pelo excelente ...


RETSCH ・ラボおよびのレッチェ. レッチェはとので、ドイツのしたとなをおけする、のグローバルカンパニーです。. ボールミル、 ジョークラッシャ 、 ...

RETSCH – Laboratory Mills, Crushers and Sieve Shakers

Laboratory Mills, Crushers and Sieve Shakers. RETSCH is the leading solution provider for neutral-to-analysis sample preparation and characterization of solids. Based on a century of experience RETSCH develops size reduction and sieving equipment which is characterized by excellent performance, operating convenience, safety and a long lifetime.

Retsch contact information - contact partners worldwide

Your local contact. Retsch. RETSCH products and services are available via a global network of daughter companies and fully trained distributors. Our staff will …

Retsch : : SR 300 :

. SR 300 。.,、。.,。., ...

Циркони — Википедиа нэвтэрхий толь

Циркони болон гафни нь мөнгөлөг цагаан өнгөтэй, хатуу муу хайлдаг (1855-2220градус) Цирконыг иодтой урвалд оруулахад цирконын иодид ZrI4 гэдэг ойролцоогоор 430градуст хялбар нэрэгддэг, шар өнгөтэй, талст бодис үүсдэг.

Strumenti per Analisi Granulometrica – Retsch

Retsch è leader a livello mondiale nel settore degli strumenti da laboratorio per la preparazione del campione e l'analisi granulometrica di sostanze solide. Grazie a oltre 100 anni di esperienza, l'azienda si è affermata come uno dei maggiori produttori di strumentazione da laboratorio, e in particolare di sistemi di omogeneizzazione e ...

Ball Mill - RETSCH - powerful grinding and homogenization

RETSCH is the world leading manufacturer of laboratory ball mills and offers the perfect product for each application. The High Energy Ball Mill E max and MM 500 were developed for grinding with the highest energy input. The innovative design of both, the mills and the grinding jars, allows for continuous grinding down to the nano range in the shortest amount of time - with only …

Retsch : : :

RETSCH,。. Emax MM 500 。.,-。. 。. ...



RETSCH Öğütücü & Çeneli Kırıcı - Elek çalkalayıcılar ve …

RETSCH Öğütücü & Çeneli Kırıcı - Elek çalkalayıcılar ve elekler. RETSCH; analiz için laboratuvar numuneleri homejenizasyonu yanında katı numunelerin tane boyutu analizinde faaliyet göstermektedir. 100 yıldan fazla tecrübesi ile bu teknolojilerde önde gelen araç …

Retsch : Retsch :

—— (),"RETSCH-",,、。. 1959. RETSCH 、。. ...

Retsch : : BB 50 :

. . . BB 50RETSCH,。. BB50,。. BB50,40 ...

MM 200 - cnreagent

Retsch : : MM200"",。 ...